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Diary entry

 Today I woke up at night ? Ya my day started at 2:30 am as I woke from a nightmare. After a while I didn't remembered it distinctly but there was a creep roach monster troubling me in the dream and hence my day began. First of all I turned my lights opened the windows and checked upon my room thoroughly every slight bit of murmuring and disorientation would freak me out fortunately none of that shit happened. I glanced over the window looking at the building adjacent to me everything was quite peaceful out there. No burglary, no murder nothing unlike movies where arbitrarily our main protagonist wakes and sees a catastrophe screaming for a hero's adventure to begin, anyway nothing of that stuff happened. I wanted to look at night sky but all these buildings engulfed my vision towards the infinite bounding with it's confines. By the way I have this weird habit of drawing metaphors from the most mundane and trivial things like the arrangement of a garland and the series of songs that I listen and what kind of stories it's telling me that's why I  probably have an OCD it's not my desire for order that's causing it but my will to escape from it's jaws. I found this whole setting so metaphorical like the buildings are obstacles that are hindering me to reach the infinite. Our mortality, weaknesses and biases are the very things that gives us directions of our lives and at the same time entraps us into it. Maybe that's the reason why one always seek for conformity and order so that they could get away with their ambiguity of life and on the contrary we supposedly enslaved birds are always seeking to be free coz we are bored with our stable life that we are provide with by virtue of our genetic lottery. Bro I know I always tends to be philosophical but there are certain animalistic traits that even we can't escape from and that is our thirst for mating and that's the thing which was enticing me to stay awake all night and browse through many adult sites searching for something intensively seductive which was spared to be watch from simultaneously time was passing me by and I heard a knock on the door. "Wake up  it's 9:30 am and your sleeping" . This fucked me up big time I saw the clock and it was actually the same time . With my face dried up and bit of sleepiness I opened my door and asked my mom for a coffee before I go to my college, she agreed and I continued on with my daily chores thinking about complex topics at the same time . Finally getting myself ready I went to the kitchen and rushed to my college and slept there and that's how my day went 


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