What's the nature of reality? Is it definitive or it is more subjective and perceptive. Like there are many instances where one feel helpless out of control of there own realities, they find no way out of their ordeal. In such circumstances people tend to offer countless advices to that person which to look at is quite reflective of their own experiences and preferences. Some advice to seek god, some say to fight the circumstances with vigor and have hopes for the future and many others. I wonder how blind we become to our own faiths and beliefs knowing the fact that it gets morphed into something else after every few kilometers. How can reality be objective if our own perceptions regarding it are so dispersed. If reality would have been objective then it could have contained few bits of uniformity which every thinker could have traced down by their intellect perhaps there is a commonality which binds us all but we are unaware of it, Science almost seemed to answer all this questions but who will attest to its validity if its own founders pursues ambiguity .Religions also provides humanity with all the answers of existential question which we are seeking, but is that enough that's the question which many of us don't want to pose on religions maybe we as species always seeks familiarity over real truth even at the expense of our discomfort.
As many post modernist thinkers suggest should we not even care about reality due to its own subjective nature and create our own. All this question arises only in two circumstances at the extreme sense of comfort and relaxation and ironically at the time of misery when everything seems to go south. What does this tell about nature of reality, whenever we are at a state of flow that is everything goes smoothly with minor inconveniences then we tend to not ask questions regarding the our reality for the matter of fact tend to be oblivious about everything that transcends our actions at that moment. This are certain moments where we don't feel the need to question our existence it really suggests the point that these are the moments where we feel satiated with our reality, where there are no rifts and confusions. Is this the whole point of reality to loose ourselves to a particular thing, event or a person without caring about the external world that carries it for you. To be present in the world but transcend its own physical confines. Is the whole point of life is to evade from it. I wonder whether religions where pointing out this very thing using all this metaphysical symbols which were misinterpreted by us as something else. Whenever in religious texts there where mentions about heaven or any place which transcended our reality , where they talking about this state? A state which doesn't have to do anything with this physical world but paradoxically emerged out of it and is not concerned about the very incentives which facilitates our reasons to engage with the world.
Wonder a person who is willing to kill himself for something bigger than him. These are people like us who tend to die for our family, friends ,country or ideology. Is the very thing we tend to refrain from comprises our ultimate truth, All this desires and zeal which made us the best among the species could be the very thing which is stopping us to get closer to reality. Maybe few selfish people who runs this world are exploiting our primary instincts which lead our civilization to thrive and excel and now using the same instinct hindering our civilization's natural evolution.
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