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 Trying to sell us a lot of things these corporates are capitalizing on our insecurities. Things that we don't necessarily need but still creating a catastrophe to enlighten us with this wasteful products utility. Providing us with all comforts and luxury we don't need. They entrap us within a golden cage where everything is marvellous and shiny. But  soon it starts to fade we realize all this time we were in jail. Coating of gold erodes and we can clearly see the ugly face beneath thier altruistic mask. Not even making us realizing about our own misery they make us prisoners of our own filth and greed. Don't you think that being cognizant about our shortcomings and evil deeds and then facing it's repercussions are better than not knowing them at all and living in an illusion of considering that oneself as prince,kings, queens and wise ministers of our falsely augmented empires. Only to realize one day that it was all a hoax, seeing your beloved world getting destroyed by your own stupidity. Like being drugged on and operated on to perform a certain tasks which druggist wants you to do meanwhile you thinking that you're protecting the world, improving yourself, going on adventures and winning the world. But unfortunately these days come to all of us where we can see the true face of the devil. On that day we tend to ignore it either considering it as a prank or considering it as a benevolent innocuous  child or we wake up and realize and do something about it many of us don't reach the finish line where the truth resides but atleast they try. You might be thinking what we will get after finishing line and my answer to that would be acceptance, acceptance of understanding this world and yourself, it's not a good experience at all in fact it's more torturous than running for the race. But still that's more worth it than not being aware of it at all.  Had you ever felt sick in your life I am sure everyone had what's the first thing that comes in your minds probably reasoning the root of the problem so that you could eradicate it and get rid of sickness. We take prescribed medications and finally let it go and that's what we need to understand. Most of us don't bother to understand our feelings of hatred, resentment, guilt,shame and envy we think that it's normal and we  inherently came with it but nobody ever classifies it as a disease. Of course everything has it's own place in this world like diseases helps our body in a way to make it more stronger and this bitter feeling might serve some benevolent purpose but majorly it's affecting our life in a very toxic way making us do actions and take decisions in a haste which leads to catastrophes and terrors.When one tries to see through all this they realize that all our bitter feelings are not caused due to a particular person or an event but it's caused due to our relationship with reality and how often we are willing to stay with it Whenever we face bad circumstances in life we immediately cloak ourselves with fake positivity and hope. Every failure giving us hints about our future but not telling us the reason why she came in coz she likes you and wants to spend time with you but unfortunately you don't like her so she always comes in your life giving you incentives about the girl that you like always giving you false information about her. But you can't see through her lies and deciet.But strangely both of you don't have any idea who the hell she is, she just resides in your fantasies. One loving her and other hating but both of you don't question her whole existence. Both of you just give false hopes to each other and leave. Maybe the thing you want was always within both of you and it will only come to it's existence when you two fully understand each other. Just give a thought about it.


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