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 Coming out of a deep abyss of guilt and resenment towards myself and the world around. Why our relationship is so bad I wonder, she never listens to me. never ever tries to understand me. The pain which makes me more lively. Constantly reminding me reminding me about each and every moment as it slips through my hands. Even though I am losing it still I feel that something is coming from my spine making me more jovial  and blissed out being unabashed by everybody around me as they are busy in thier futile chase but I am racing against myself, racing against time, racing against infinitive. But she is constantly bring some mundane stuff back to me which seems so trivial. I ask her ' Why? I have being doing this most of my life ,what new things are you making me learn. Do you still think that all these things are going to satiate my thirst . Hell no. It provided me with basics which I am really glad of but I want to move on now . Towards a new journey, new mountains, even though it would be capable of killing me but still that sudden jolt of end would be more pleasing than this conformity. Honestly speaking I don't know where this weird idea of breaching the regularity came for initially i was never fond of it'  

She interjected and said " And here we are fighting with each other arguing like anything . I just wanted to ask you one simple question. Do you want to do something extraordinary just to be famous and create your legacy or you are doing it for some other strange reasons."

" I don't know probably it might be one of the contributing reason for my enigmatic wishes. Not just that this whole damn thing is coming from a place of boredom , thrill ,frivolity, naivety , resenment and envy"I  said.

" Wait you just said resenment and envy. I can understand other reasons but what about resenment and envy. As far as i remember you were treated rather fairly by a lot of people.. "

We were conversing about various topics for a while at that very moment I seemingly lost cognizance of the time. A ray of life emerged out of the deep abyss.  It looked as though a bunch of multi layered fountain of waters were sprouting resembling a rainbow as the light started to split itself into various colors. It sprinkled our faces. Wait what this was supposed to be light how come its characteristic features altered. I moved by back sideways and looked at her surprisingly there was no one where are everybody where I am it was supposed to be a beautiful garden that is what she promised me as we paved our way through the abyss. But now nobody is besides me the garden, scenic beauty, fountains but now I am sitting besides a cliff of a plateau . I moved my hands back and forth making sense of the place I am in. I can feel somebodies hand besides me I woke up and saw my mom besides me . Looking at the clock making sense pf the time . Looking around the nooks and crannies of the room . Making sense of my reality.


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